Creswell Junior School

Creswell Junior School

Elmton Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 4JD


School policies

School policies

 Please see the PDF files below for our school policies.


 CJS Extremism and Radicalisation Policy.pdfDownload
 Code of Conduct Policy.pdfDownload
 Complaints Procedure - Advice Guidance and Information.pdfDownload
 Complaints Procedure.pdfDownload
 Creswell Accessability Plan 2022.pdfDownload
 Creswell child-friendly-complaints new.pdfDownload
 Creswell Junior Equality Vision and Objectives October 2022.pdfDownload
 Creswell Junior School Equality Policy 0ctober 2022.pdfDownload
 Creswell Junior School Equality Statement October 2022.pdfDownload
 Creswell Junior School Safeguarding Child Protection Policy October 2022.pdfDownload
Showing 11-20 of 47

Requests for paper copies

If you would like a paper copy of any of our policies, please ask. We will provide copies free of charge. 

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